Hello Kitty Amigurumi
I'm still planning on doing the socks, but last night I decided to try the mysterious Hello Kitty pattern without a picture that I found here. It was kinda fun doing it without a picture, and she came out SO CUTE!! I think that I will use this picture to do her eyes, and maybe add on a ruffly for the dress. Also I finally finished the scarf I was knitting and started serious work on the funfur one for cancer awareness that we are doing in the snb yahoo group. Yay! Lavendar is for general cancer wareness, but there is a crazy list out there of all the colors so if you are knitting in honor of someone you can knit it in the color of whatever cancer they had. Ghoulish but thoughtful. Apparently all these scarves are going to be collected and made into a huge fuzzy banner. Anyway, it IS "fun"fur.
Only two more days till I start my job. Ack, wish me luck. And if anybody has advice on how to refrain from setting upon best friend's jerk boyfriend with a flamethrower, do let me in on it. Here in the South we Ya-Ya's get violent when our girlfriends are dating mean drunken jackasses. Grrrrrrr
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